Sunday, December 30, 2007
Promoting on the blogosphere
Chris here. So apparently blogosphere is a 'real' word, according to I made a bunch of behind the scenes changes to the blog to boost hits, as well as redesigned a spiffy new logo for the top right.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Chris hax to show his loyalty

Chris here, I decided to leave my laptop at home in hopes of detoxing from the internet while away on family vacation. Well, turns out Grandma got a cable modem, so much for that. I did learn how to speed read, which is pretty grand, but more importantly I hacked my Verizon RAZR to show a logo that I care about rather than verizon's red checkmark that really should be a giant corporate boner ramming you in the wallet. So much good information over at
Friday, December 21, 2007 & FilmMaker's lounge
Hey, OurStage finally released the embed code for our video interview with them in Boston. This is when Olympus Burger won #1 in Animation. Check it out.
Friday, December 14, 2007
it sure is crazy time
Friday, December 7, 2007
DailyMotion loves Bacon!

It just keeps getting better! has just featured Bacon Samurai on the top spot on their home page, giving us that big f*ck off block for all to see.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Online Video Update

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wow. Stop-Motion Ad for Sony Bravia

Chris here. This ad is insane. Serious stop-motion. Must have been a challenge defending the sets. Check it out.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Moving Box Update!
Hey! Chris here, it's been a while since the blog has been active, but a lot has been going on and I hope to catch you up.
1. We've receieved our investment. This is a huge step for us as a company, it allows us to pay our full-time department directors a small amount, as well as start construction. Actually, I'll make that it's own number.
2. Construction has started! This is so exciting, considering we've been working since august in a huge white sound-tunnel that when someone farts all the keyboards rattle. We'll be turning our three rooms into an Audio Control Room, Green Screen Shooting space, Two isolation booths, an Animation room, solo editing suite, business meeting room, and lounge.
3. Internships! With construction underway, we're now looking for bright motivated individuals to work at what will soon be the coolest place in Ithaca. Interested in an internship in Animation, Video Production, Web Design or Audio/Music production? Drop us an email: Contact [AT] (replace [AT] with @)
Now that we're getting paid and things are working out, I'll be able to keep a focus on Moving Box's web activity, and we won't have any more 5 week lapses of blog posts. Sorry for that! Stay tuned for more from us!
1. We've receieved our investment. This is a huge step for us as a company, it allows us to pay our full-time department directors a small amount, as well as start construction. Actually, I'll make that it's own number.
2. Construction has started! This is so exciting, considering we've been working since august in a huge white sound-tunnel that when someone farts all the keyboards rattle. We'll be turning our three rooms into an Audio Control Room, Green Screen Shooting space, Two isolation booths, an Animation room, solo editing suite, business meeting room, and lounge.
3. Internships! With construction underway, we're now looking for bright motivated individuals to work at what will soon be the coolest place in Ithaca. Interested in an internship in Animation, Video Production, Web Design or Audio/Music production? Drop us an email: Contact [AT] (replace [AT] with @)
Now that we're getting paid and things are working out, I'll be able to keep a focus on Moving Box's web activity, and we won't have any more 5 week lapses of blog posts. Sorry for that! Stay tuned for more from us!
Blow Me featured on OurStage!

We're currently in pre-production for a series of instructional glassblowing DVDs, so stay tuned for updates!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hey, Chris here. AuditionHQ has had some upgrades, including an awesome new file uploading solution from the cool dudes over at Encodable Industries. It's super sweet Ajax with upload bar and in browser FTP (not currently enabled). Way more reliable than the old PHP script that didn't work for anyone except me. The JAVA AUDITIONS have been extended an extra week for the people who've had trouble submitting.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Bacon Samurai looks better on break!
Hey, Chris here, just uploaded Bacon Samurai to Looks way better than metacafe's version, also the aspect ratio is right. Still feeling out the best video site for animated content, metacafe isn't too into it (although do-it-yourselfer KipKay is making a killing). I'm hoping the 18-35 year old male audience that Break servers might be more into this kinda thing. Only time will tell.
"Ew, Fry! Is this a carton of cheese behind your bed?"
"Well, it used to be milk, but ya know. Time makes fools of us all."
Bacon Samurai - Watch more free videos
"Ew, Fry! Is this a carton of cheese behind your bed?"
"Well, it used to be milk, but ya know. Time makes fools of us all."
Bacon Samurai - Watch more free videos
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 Launches!

Currently it's been only released here and to my Facebook friend's list. Soon to be flyered in the town of Ithaca, and eventually posted as a bulletin on our mySpace.
We've got two auditions running right now, check em out. We're looking for Character Artists for a new 60 second animation created by Danielle Chillemi, and we're offing a $250 Contract to the artist who wins! Head over to now!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New Website!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Olympus stolen by Asian YouTube clone

Well this is pretty crazy. While Googling Olympus Burger to see where we're at on the rankings, I ran across this Japanese YouTube clone, known as 1stYouTube, with Olympus Burger on it. Sorry I couldn't include the big breasted CG girl at the bottom asking you to frantically sign up for MMORPGs.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Chalk Outlines - Director Photo

Hey guys it's Karim. This is the first completely processed and digitally retouched picture from the recent photo shoot I had with Joe in Ithaca in preparation for the completion of "Chalk Outlines". You'll notice the iconic "Cyrus Painer" door from the movie in the background. Joe looks pretty at home in a trenchcoat and fedora, maybe he should get his own spinoff series. "Joe Zohar: Private Director"? :) Any comments are well appreciated, as always.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Chalk Outlines - Banner
Monday, August 20, 2007
Oh man I can't believe it's actually here. Yes the rumors are true, Bacon Samurai has made it off of and on to the rest of the Internet! If you have an account, please DIGG IT!
Bacon Samurai
Bacon Samurai
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Chalk Outlines - Cover Art

Hey everyone its Joe again and just wanted to get everyones feedback on this piece of artwork for Chalk Outlines. It is going to be the DVD cover and Movie poster for the film. The text is not on the poster yet, but I am wondering what everyone thinks of the painting. Would like your opinions. Thanks
- Joe Z.
Blow Me...Yeah thats right, you heard me.
Hey whats up it's Joe Zohar. Just got done producing this podcast for Current TV. IT was a really fun project to make and Steve Gelb is the man. Please support Moving Box, register with Current and vote for us. It takes all of about 2 minutes to register and would like your support. If you like the music, which is amazing by the way, check out Erik Spangler a.k.a Dj Dubble8 online at Thank you all for you support and hope you enjoy it.
- Joe Z.
Friday, August 17, 2007
OurStage Interview!
Friday, August 3, 2007
I Get Things Done

Can't believe I didn't post about this sooner. iGTD is software that will help you do exactly what its name implys, GET THINGS DONE. It's intuitive, FREE software that can help keep track of all your projects. Highly recommended.
You need to know how to use this software if you're a person with active projects going on. I use it for everything from my work project "To Do" lists, to shopping lists, cleaning activities, and keeping track of valuable emails and links.
Did I mention it's free? I think you need it.
NOTE: Take the time to learn this program, it's worth it. The tutorials on their site are short and sweet.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Freelance Attack!
Hey, Chris here, I've just completed my credit reel. Work goes chronologically from 2005 to July 2007. Check it out, and email me if you're interested in any of my services!
High Res version here (recommended, H.264 for iPod & Quicktime)
High Res version here (recommended, H.264 for iPod & Quicktime)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Cool free image site
Hey, Chris here, I'm working on the new website, and I ran across a cool free stock photography site,
Mostly location photos, Egypt, Israel, Rome, and some Weather, Plants and Animals. Cool stuff and high quality photos, definitely worth checking out if you're looking for some Photoshoppable images.
Mostly location photos, Egypt, Israel, Rome, and some Weather, Plants and Animals. Cool stuff and high quality photos, definitely worth checking out if you're looking for some Photoshoppable images.
Girls Will Be Girls
New short film up!
Two cute cheerleaders plot to get rid of an evil Dick.
Girls Will Be Girls
It's up on MetaCafe, YouTube,, and
Two cute cheerleaders plot to get rid of an evil Dick.
Girls Will Be Girls
It's up on MetaCafe, YouTube,, and
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Repentance is Complete
Repentance is complete and up on the internet. Another step closer to a clean slate. Thank you to everyone involved. Hope you enjoy, more to come.
If you like the music please check out Erik Spangler's MySpace page, DjDubble8, next level music production.
- Joe Z.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Results of the Ourstage Contest
Hey, Chris here. If you weren't watching, Olympus Burger made it #1 for Animation in the ourstage June contest! We didn't with the $5000 grand prize, but we did get invited to the OurStage winner's circle show and screening in Boston, which is pretty exciting.
It's at the Paradise Rock Club on Sunday, and is open to the public. Right now it's looking like it'll be myself, Wright, Joe, and Sahar attending the event, and then on monday its to ABC in New York City to meet with some executives about pitching Olympus Burger. Exciting, isn't it?
We've also landed a new studio only a block away from our current one. Hooray! I'm so excited I could poop my pants.
It's at the Paradise Rock Club on Sunday, and is open to the public. Right now it's looking like it'll be myself, Wright, Joe, and Sahar attending the event, and then on monday its to ABC in New York City to meet with some executives about pitching Olympus Burger. Exciting, isn't it?
We've also landed a new studio only a block away from our current one. Hooray! I'm so excited I could poop my pants.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
M.9. - Video Editing Is Complete
Friday, June 29, 2007
Bacon Concept Sketch #1

Here is round one of new Bacon Samurai concept sketches for the game as well as the series. Today we have Bacon in all his glory.
He may not look that different from the trailer, but this new design has a more detailed face, new belt, and different proportions (longer legs, bigger feet, and larger arms). His side view also doesn't look like crap this time, which is good as this is the view people will be seeing the most of in the game.
I should have more up this weekend, so check back regularly.
- Wright
Olympus Burger Needs Your Support!!!
Hey, it's Ken, just dropping you a note that OLYMPUS BURGER IS IN THE RUNNING FOR $5000! This could be a huge boost for us at Moving Box, and would help pay for the modifications to our new studio.
Here's the deal:
Send a Text message to STAGE (78243), with the message "ANIMAT06"
Here's a link:
IMPORTANT!! This text message will cost 50 cents, instead of the typical 10 cents most cell phone providers charge. This goes to OurStage, to help fund their website and these contests. If you can swing half a dollar for us, it could provide a tremendous help.
Thanks for reading this through.
Here's the deal:
Send a Text message to STAGE (78243), with the message "ANIMAT06"
Here's a link:
IMPORTANT!! This text message will cost 50 cents, instead of the typical 10 cents most cell phone providers charge. This goes to OurStage, to help fund their website and these contests. If you can swing half a dollar for us, it could provide a tremendous help.
Thanks for reading this through.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Bacon Samurai Game
Chris here. Wright and I have started some brainstorming on some ideas, and Clayton is on board to program it. We started a NewGrounds thread with some of our ideas:
That's it for now.
That's it for now.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Days of our Lamps

Chris here, and I've brought the 1 minute 46 second flash animated short Days of our Lamps has returned to that what our children call: Teh Interblag! Check it out on metacafe!
It's also viewable on our MySpace.
If you like it, DIGG IT!
M.9. - Prying Open My Third Eye - Update
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Repentance Credits
Yo I like where you are going with it. The black and white totally works well. I don't know about the three other crosses in the frame. I am sure they are not in the credits and are just there for some reason, but other than that it looks awesome. Good work, cant wait to see it finished.
- Joe Z.
- Joe Z.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Credits Teaser

Hey, it's Chris. I'm working on the Repentance credits, I'm doing a black and white thing, and experimenting with that style. Inspired by the nasty word animation by Jason Heim over at . Here's a little teaser.
Should be done in a few more days.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tracking Video Stats

So I signed up for , an awesome site that tracks hits on popular video sites. So yesterday was a slow YouTube day, and today apparently isn't, and the update was too good to not blog it.
Set's the bar kinda high... can't wait for the video version of Bacon Samurai. omg join the mailing list at
Oh, I'm also doubling my efforts on getting MySpace friends. My goal is at least 150 friend requests a day.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Ithaca Health Alliance
Hello everyone, just here to give you some information on a project Moving Box is doing for the Ithaca Health Alliance (IHA) a health care center by the community for the community, located in Ithaca, NY.
Moving Box Studios is currently in the pre-production phase of the project for the IHA which will eventually become a documentary video podcast for Current TV highlighting the benefits of community health care and how to create a health care center in your local community.
More information to come, so check back for updates, interviews, and more.
Moving Box Studios is currently in the pre-production phase of the project for the IHA which will eventually become a documentary video podcast for Current TV highlighting the benefits of community health care and how to create a health care center in your local community.
More information to come, so check back for updates, interviews, and more.
Bacon Samurai Debut!
Hey, it's Chris. Bacon Samurai is up online at Check the front page, or the link below.
It's doing pretty well, 20,000 views in the first day, and it's got a 4.19/5.00
If we make it to 4.22, we'll be on the the top 50 OF ALL TIME. So go vote if you haven't today!
k thx bai.
It's doing pretty well, 20,000 views in the first day, and it's got a 4.19/5.00
If we make it to 4.22, we'll be on the the top 50 OF ALL TIME. So go vote if you haven't today!
k thx bai.
First Post
Hey this is Chris, just set up . Looking pretty cool. The color picker that blogger has is totally fucking sweet. I also discovered this little baby:
Web Color Contrast Checker
No more ugly websites ever again! I love color. Lets put color wheels back up in the studio.
Web Color Contrast Checker
No more ugly websites ever again! I love color. Lets put color wheels back up in the studio.
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