Monday, April 27, 2009

We've submitted the Olympus Burger pilot to Adult Swim!

Today, we mailed the Olympus Burger pilot episode and bible to the late-night Cartoon Network block, Adult Swim! Getting onto Adult Swim has been our goal for Olympus Burger since the beginning (which was almost four years ago) so we're keeping our fingers and everything else crossed.

This picture was taken six minutes before the post office closed, but Chris* turned into The Flash and got it there just in time. He was locked in the post office for a couple minutes afterwards, but then he turned into the Hulk and...asked the lady at the desk to let him out.

Unless the mail gnomes get at it, the package will arrive in Adult Swim's submission box tomorrow. We'll put up another post when we hear from them, so check back soon!

*Even though that little sign says "Connor," that's Chris. Trust me.

Behind the Scenes: Interns!

Hello, world.

This is Steve, a current all-purpose animation intern at Moving Box Studios. My creative director Chris Davidson wants to give you all some insight into what us interns actually do (i.e. not watch cartoons all day), so here's some insider info.

I had my hands on the pilot episode of Java, correcting colors and whatnot. Java refused to "pop" against the background in his drab duds. We can't have our title character blending into the background, so I created a bunch of alternative palettes. I consulted with Chris on what the final color choice should be, and after picking it, I went to town in Adobe Flash changing each instance of Java to the new palette by Cmd + I'ing and Cmd + K'ing everything into submission. Repetitive? Eh, maybe, but it seriously helps develop an eye for color, attention to detail, and, well, using Flash in general. Java will be coming to your screen this summer... so I better hop to it.

That's all for now. Cheers!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Update 4/20

Here's some more content to make you drool - it's a short animation titled "Meet Java!" where you'll "meet" Java, Heidi, and Maddie - the three main characters from the upcoming series created by Danielle ChillemiJava!

Watch it on Newgrounds too, and remember to vote 5!

The Java pilot episode is coming out this summer, so stay tuned.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Controversial Easter Video

Cartoonist and MySpace Whore Tony Glitz has recently released a controversial Easter video called Easter Is Gay. You can watch it over on YouTube. He's also posted an Extended Version for his alleged fans. Love it or hate it, you gotta admit Tony Glitz is one audacious character.