Friday, August 21, 2009

Ayurveda @ Grassroots '09

Ayurveda @ Grassroots '09 from Moving Box Studios on Vimeo.

Hey everyone, really proud to have this up. Two camera shoot with me and my man Nicoli. We got treated to an amazing performance from Ayurveda and am glad to be able to show it to all of you through our onstage eyes. Hope you enjoy and stay tuned for more content from Moving Box!

- Joe Zohar

Monday, August 17, 2009 Campaign

Hey Everyone, Just got done producing these three promotional videos for

Zampus is doing some wonderful things to help acclimate incoming and current students with their campus. Zampus is a place where you can "Learn" about whats going on around campus, a place where you can "Vent" about anything bothering you without being censored by any administrators, and a place where anyone, including business's, can "promote" themselves to the student body without any bias. All in all a pretty powerful website that is fused with you existing facebook account so you don't have to reinvent your social networking wheel.

One of the most fun projects I have worked on in a while. Enjoy!

- Joe Zohar