It's been a while since you've heard from us. We have lots to tell you. Ready to listen?
Nick Schweip has finished rotoscoping for the film noir, Chalk Outlines. The finished product will be online soon, but until then check out the trailer
above. If you really want to be caught up with the film's production then watch
Repentance, a precursor to Chalk Outlines.
We should also mention that we can breathe now. Our recording booth finally got proper ventilation which means no more coughing, headaches, and dead employees from the poisonous air. Next week we plan on starting the setup of our vocal booth. Our little recording studio is growing up so fast...
Film noirs, breathing, what could be next? How about film festivals! With the help of singer-songwriter
Tom Knight and a website called
Withoutabox we are now ready to send out
The Elephant's Lullaby to film festivals across the country. We're very excited at the opportunity for audiences to watch the music video on a big screen. We're also excited to win first prize at every festival. You know that's what's going to happen.
Hopefully that was enough info to satisfy all appetites? It wasn't? Well, check back with us soon for more updates.